Concepts for future Votes

I am back on the project and will post Concepts here for the future projects the players can vote on. Like last time, the theme with the most votes gets realized. Casual sex with Dad at home comes slowly but steady to the final stage for Dad2, that means the rich family dad, and there is also a non consensual soft path. Once those scripts run smooth and are debugged, I will add Dad1, super rich and more the fat type and Dad4, poor and more abusive content together with the mother. Dad3, middle class, we keep clean and not into incest at all.As the last family scenario is orphan, the scenario will be related to Dad1, 2 or 3, depending on the starting selections done at the game start. Orphan will be the last content I will add as it will also have the most radical content. Incest with the mother will come step by step, but seem to have no real interest in the first place.

Please use Discord, if you would like to add ideas to the concepts. If Discord is a absolute No No NO, you can also reach me at


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