Finished my work more or less, a bit tomorrow and can go back to coding. Had a few thoughts into the relation script, will be a combination of the scripts changing the status and random events. If you cheat, they might do a surprise visit, if they are a bit more the jealous type, those variables are not in GL, I would enter them and it would ruin porting content the easy way. Will finish the supermodel quest line before I do the new relationship system. Otherwise not much done, power also got cut for 7.5 hours.. time to clean up some stuff. Tomorrow we code a bit ^^ The Fan first bit should be doable, the Lana part will take more as a day. If I can implement it clever, I should be able to make the stay at your spot run with the same random script. With a ‘set’ variable i can call those routines and pass just a different variable or random that variable and the coming sequence of pictures matches with also random texts. Will never really display the same content on replays, make replays fun. The hair color system is very heavy time consuming just to search the needed material for now. You just work with what is available. So please take those pictures I post right now with a certain grain of salt.. they only will get better, right now I see it all as Beta material.
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