The Game
This game is based on the engine from GirlLife, with permission from Kevin.
The main part of GirlLife is the 16 year old School start. I am no big fan of that part so I decided to create me my own world with a very different game start.
When you start Play Me, you will have to select a few game criteria, changing the world you play in. The first choice will be what family origins you start with, Super Rich, Rich, Middle Class, Poor or Orphan. Next you will select your school scenario and how you ended school. This ends with 125 starting options, some will also change quest variables to let you jump into quest lines, so you do not have to play the starting criteria to activate the quest. As example, 2 2 4 4 will select the Supermodel Quest line start and you are already set as top model in the agency and you have the flight to Paris the next day to start the Supermodel Quest line. Or you might start as Baker, work in the factory or be a school dropout and work as a prostitute, own choice or forced, depends on your selections. The world stands and runs but is in Beta state. Right now I work mainly at the content, added breakfast, lunch and dinner events at all of the 11 possible starter locations and family selections, live with both parents, only one, all incest options, uncle, lover or even Grandpa.

Also started to work with video and AI, here is one of the special model jobs she can get when famous.
Thanks for the votes on the poll! I do all polls on Discord now.
So what is different?
The first goal was immersion, using several AI to get Rebecca’s face on all needed pictures.
Right now we focus on face and hair. This is tricky to get done for all pictures and the final goal is to have my own AI running every picture change and modifications needed. In that direction I am learning and have to build a dedicated computer to teach models. Made it to videos and made my first changes, you find 2 examples in the blog.

Over 10’000 pictures with changed faces already in
I change pictures more or less daily, if I am not lost in code. To change pictures I created my own face and called her Rebecca or short Becca.

Work to earn money to pay rent and go shop.
There will be several jobs, most are in on a rudimentary base. I rewrite step by step all GL randoms at the moment. The family life I will add step by step also a bit depending on what my supporters want to have extended new.
One of the major changes will be a female voice doing comments on your actions, plus this is a game, it will have good and bad endings and if you are not in any major quest line, you will turn over day by day till I end the game 2 years after you started. How you get to that end, is really your choice. If you do things you shouldn’t do, events will kick in and all the bad things that happen you will solve as a police officer. OK, if you do the right things, you will solve the case and might get a promotion to Detective, depending on your play style you might even become a secret agent. Open world Sandbox…

Where we stand?
Right now the most needed thing is a AI box to teach models. I run my calculations on a 2080Ti, which isn’t to bad but a H100 would render 800 times faster.. i can do in one day what I need the 2080Ti for 800 days to get the same result. I guess you get the point of what is missing. If you check how much a H100 NVIDIA card is, you might get a heart attack, don’t! So I put my money aside for that little marvel and go on coding. I do average 30’000 characters a day, so close to 1’000’000 characters a month, the game grows rather fast. The super model quest line is 90% done and already over 2’200’000 characters written in. Right now the game contains a bit over 19.0 million characters in all scripts. Every GL quest line is removed, few randoms still run till they are reworked and Becca’s face is in and content rewritten.

How does it work?
You run the life of a 18 year old female. Like in real life, what you do has consequences or opens opportunities, how you handle and master those. That is the game question.
The game tracks all you do, you eat to much, you gain weight, you don’t eat enough, you start starving. Each family member is a open book if you didn’t select a scenario start. If you want to achieve something with a NPC, be nice or not. You can’t do all jobs in a free roam as jobs depend a bit how and if you finished school. OK, going to the porn studio will not get a school check but more how inhibited Rebecca is. So beside the usual jobs, Police Officer, Baker, Model, Sale person, supermarket employee,… or you go the easy way and look for a glory hole to start your streetwalker career. You might start as a super rich chick that just got abducted or your parents hate you in a poor scenario and sold you to the syndicate, nothing friendly coming her way but there is also a way to play yourself out of the mess. Is this all in? Nope, most jobs work but have not enough randoms to make em fun to play over months. So randoms we add beside the quest lines.
Support the game
This is a huge project and without support I can not finance it, is rather simple.
We all eat and pay rent for a living, we are not different from that to any other human being out there. How will support work?
Rather simple. We are not asking for a lot, starts at 1 dollar a month or simple 10$ a year. Transferring a dollar these days brings more income to the bank then you end up with. Will have higher tiers for people who want to help a little more and speed things up.

The Mission
What happens to the support donations?
If i get enough support to run my life, I will go 100% behind this project. That threshold is at 1500$ a month, pays rent, living, server cost and the voice actress. As she can sing, she will also lend her voice to Rebecca’s Pop carrier. As I am a member of several stock sites, goes also into those fees. Pictures and licenses…
Payments and support
Will set a stripe bridge as soon as I have sorted the registered company. For Crypto payments, I will check into it asap.
Content and Ideas
For the next 6 months I have enough on the table. I wrote quest concepts for Fashion Sales and manager, Police quest cases and finish up started quest lines. HuCow farm, weed grower, pharmacy sales staff, Daddies test subject, Hypno Breeding cow,.. if you want to put something on the list. Write me a message 😉
Is this game stand alone or online?
You will need the QSP Player to run the game script and files. I coded all clips with the VP9 codec. This is a free codec and should be available on all video players and hence be on your system. .
You want to help but short on money?
Looking for usable content takes about as much time as to code it in. Any help on that side is very much appreciated. Please contact me.
Supporters will have my Discord contact. Bugs suck, i hate em as we all hate them. So you run into a bug, gets fixed with priority.
What are you waiting for?
Interested to support such a game? As you see in the Blog, I worked daily 12-20 hours on the project in the last months.
Blog & news

Something completely different…
Right now my private life is in haywire. My dogs damaged the lawn of the spot I stay and[…]

Contact us
I finish the website once I have the company registration for taxes. Nothing works these days without linking those.